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Welcome to the intriguing and enlightening journey that Life Is A Game Of Chance.
When a woman gives birth, it is a miraculous event highlighting life’s wonder and complexity.

At that moment of birth, no book of instructions or guidelines emerges from the womb alongside the newborn that explains that child’s mission, religious or political affiliation.

  • Let us focus on that fact. No human or living thing was born with a Divine Book of instructions given at birth or as an afterthought.
  • Everything visible and invisible exists because the Divine Energy and Vibration within gives it life.

The idea that the divine being (the Creator) would provide humanity with written gospels and divine instructions as an afterthought seems unlikely because the intelligence responsible for Creation has no afterthoughts; the Creator knows.

What happens after human metamorphosis (death) remains a mystery, leading to various speculations, ideologies, philosophies, and religious and spiritual dogmas.

This simple yet profound fact reminds us that life is a journey filled with uncertainties and surprises.

In this conversation (book), we prove that life, as we know it, is a game of chance and, to a lesser degree, it is a game of choice, where every action and decision we make has the potential to lead us down a path of infinite possibilities.

There is truth to the quote that says, “Don’t take life seriously; you will never get out of it alive.”


Welcome to the intriguing and enlightening journey that Life Is A Game Of Chance.
When a woman gives birth, it is a miraculous event highlighting life’s wonder and complexity.

At that moment of birth, no book of instructions or guidelines emerges from the womb alongside the newborn that explains that child’s mission, religious or political affiliation.

  • Let us focus on that fact. No human or living thing was born with a Divine Book of instructions given at birth or as an afterthought.
  • Everything visible and invisible exists because the Divine Energy and Vibration within gives it life.

The idea that the divine being (the Creator) would provide humanity with written gospels and divine instructions as an afterthought seems unlikely because the intelligence responsible for Creation has no afterthoughts; the Creator knows.

What happens after human metamorphosis (death) remains a mystery, leading to various speculations, ideologies, philosophies, and religious and spiritual dogmas.

This simple yet profound fact reminds us that life is a journey filled with uncertainties and surprises.

In this conversation (book), we prove that life, as we know it, is a game of chance and, to a lesser degree, it is a game of choice, where every action and decision we make has the potential to lead us down a path of infinite possibilities.

There is truth to the quote that says, “Don’t take life seriously; you will never get out of it alive.”

At the heart of this conversation is the understanding that the Creator of the Universe (God) has designed and integrated limitless possibilities into the fabric of existence.

Every choice we make, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has the potential to shape our lives in ways we cannot even begin to imagine.

Acknowledging that we are born with the fight-or-flight response defense mechanism means that life will not always be smooth running.

Deadlines, financial issues, car trouble, arguments, or perceived threats can also trigger the fight-or-flight response.

If not managed, these triggers could lead to health, social, and relationship problems.

As we explore the interplay between free will and determinism, we might find that many of our choices, labeled as good or bad, are a product of both our inherent tendencies and the vast array of possibilities that life presents.
It is up to us to decide how to use these possibilities and accept that the outcomes of our choices are never certain.

We should learn to embrace life’s uncertainty and see the beauty in our infinite possibilities.

We will understand that life is not a game that can be won or lost but a journey of discovery and growth, where every experience, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can shape us into the best version of ourselves.

Life unfolds in a dance of positive and negative experiences.

Embracing both allows us to navigate challenges and savor moments of happiness with greater awareness.

Let us embark on this journey together and explore life’s limitless possibilities.

Let us embrace uncertainty and learn to trust in the cosmic intelligence that created the environment that made our existence possible.

Let us remember that life is a game of chance and that every choice we make has the potential to lead us down a path of infinite possibilities that could bring joy and happiness or misery, mental and physical pain.

Since human existence is one of the unlimited possibilities the Creator integrated into the Master plan, instead of pointing fingers at each other for our actions and behaviors, we can focus on teaching and learning from each other how to identify the pitfalls of life and work together so that neither of us becomes a victim.

Weight 0.45 lbs

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